Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The man who would not utter Atari

Jun with go board, Okinawa August 2017
Jun is an institution in our Okinawa universe.  This amazing man is a retired attorney and a fluent speaker of English.  Richard has found a friend and a go opponent in Jun.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Gatton and Brisbane

CS1 Cantrell was our secret weapon

On Gatton

I struck gold with Phyllis Herberich and her family, and the Mt Sylvia State School.

I couldn't have done this without Phyllis Herberich!

Sunday, July 2, 2017


Sydney was a beautiful port call. I purchased a Montague folding bike at Velomania and cycled around the city with a colleague who also owns a folding bike.  I also saw my first Rugby game. Sydney is one of the finest world class cities I have ever experienced, it's more majestic than San Francisco.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Work humor

My colleague, who stands the Quebec* watch on the ship,  requested I write a song about him.  Be careful what you ask for.  It's the reactions of the guy that sits behind Quebec, that inspired me.

Post! Post! Post it to stage!**
Post! Post! It's all the rage!
If I've got a SITREP, or an adverse FITREP,***
Why not just post it to stage?

My name is Quebec,
And I say "what the heck!"
If I've got a morsel or tidbit or two,
Something of interest, what do I do?
I put it in chat, and then that's that,
but I just call it "stage".

Post! Post! Post it to stage!
Post! Post! It's all the rage!
If I've got a SITREP, or an adverse FITREP,
Why not just post it to stage?

"Who opened his lunch?"****
 I opened my lunch,
 To share with you
 all of the pleasures I dine
 Sandwiches, pastries
 and vittles divine.
 I put it in chat and
 then that's that,
 but I just call it stage.

Post! Post! Post it to stage!
Post! Post! It's all the rage!
If I've got a SITREP, or an adverse FITREP,
Why not just post it to stage?

* A watch stander representing the Command & Control Warfare Commander
**  "Stage" is jargon for chat software.
*** FITREP is a Fitness Report, a job performance report
****Australian slang: "Okay, who farted?"