Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Gatton and Brisbane

CS1 Cantrell was our secret weapon

On Gatton

I struck gold with Phyllis Herberich and her family, and the Mt Sylvia State School.

I couldn't have done this without Phyllis Herberich!

On the flight deck of the USS Bonhomme Richard with the Australian Herberich clan
The staff, students, and parents of Mt. Sylvia State School, and the Herberichs were gracious hosts.

The Gatton Gang
Phyllis and I went for a drive and walk in the beautiful Lockyer Valley, in a national park. That is where I saw two things I have never seen before:
1. Galah.  Phyllis and I saw a flock of galahs in flight.  To be referred to as a galah is an unflattering term; i.e. a clown.
2. Goana,.  "Lie down, otherwise they climb up you," said Phyllis. She is talking about a type of monitor lizard known as the goana. Everyone in Australia seems to know about lying down when you see one. 

This is a galah.
This is a goana.

On Brisbane

The next day, Brad Lingard referred some visitors and me to the Brekky Creek  (Breakfast Creek) Hotel for a beer.  My cohorts were kind enough to drink down the keg so that I could spike a new one, pictured below.  Sue guided me through my initiation.  Thanks for the photos, Brad.


  1. Your exploits to the Breakfast Creek Hotel for a pint is commendable, and I approve! Well done young lady. The only question I have is...why wasn't I invited?!?

  2. Next time, Eric, next time.

  3. Looks like you are really enjoying your new surroundings... Wow!! You look great, Darcy! Elora just returned from Thailand via Viet Nam, China, Nepal, India, Turkey, Greece with a quick stop in Russia. You wise Aquarians do get around!! Wishing you a safe and satisfying journey... Let us know where you are off to next. Thank you for the Herberick contact... haven't followed up as of yet but hope to... Life is very busy!! Take good care, Darcy with love and light, Jim, Betsy and Elora

  4. Hey Darcy,
    Great to see the two Herberick/h girls in one picture!
    Greetings from "the other DH" in Ireland,
