Saturday, January 23, 2016

A 25 year old Okinawa City tradition

Yesterday we visited the Okinawa City Business Fair. The turn out for this event was low as it has been fairly cold here. I purchased some rather expensive lime honey, and was handed a raffle ticket of some kind then escorted to some Chamber of Commerce games tent. I turned the crank and the box spit out a green bead, and I won. I won big. A tote bag filled with gourmet delights of Okinawa- sauces, cakes, and booze mostly. It has to be said, the Okinawan women at the concession booths marvelled at Richard with "he's so big!"

Tangerines and pineapples

Last Monday, we located a tangerine grove in the north, north of Nago. The flavor is excellent. Following that we experienced the bizarre Pineapple Park. I don't know how Richard does it, but he managed to find us a lovely luncheon at CafĂ© Ichara .               

The Dunker

I endured an underwater egress training session last Wednesday conducted for the benefit of those likely passengers and flight crew aboard any Marine rotary flight (helicopter). The link above features the staff that shepherded me and my cohorts through this training. I found another video out there produced for UK television viewers for their version of this training for the Sea King, which is more explanatory. This is not unlike Humvee egress training that you may have endured or heard of. To date, this was the most terrifying experience of my life, especially the attempts with the added task of releasing one's body armor upside down, and under water. Oh, and blindfolded.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

We have arrived

On 8 January 2016, Richard and I arrived on Okinawa. We have accomplished much. 
  • We have enjoyed some Okinawan cuisine, driven a fair amount in the rental car, and made a decision on our housing rental and car purchase. 
  • We stay in the cabins on Cape Canna on the Pacific side until we shift to our housing later this month.
  • We are licensed to drive in Japan, that is, driving on the left side of the road. Richard tried his hand at driving on the Expressway yesterday.
  • We are looking forward to the purchase and associated bureaucracy concerning a 2001 Mitsubishi Mirage Dingo on Tuesday.
Today we were supposed to pick tangerines but it has rained all day.

Our new ride, purchased 21 January