Saturday, January 16, 2016

We have arrived

On 8 January 2016, Richard and I arrived on Okinawa. We have accomplished much. 
  • We have enjoyed some Okinawan cuisine, driven a fair amount in the rental car, and made a decision on our housing rental and car purchase. 
  • We stay in the cabins on Cape Canna on the Pacific side until we shift to our housing later this month.
  • We are licensed to drive in Japan, that is, driving on the left side of the road. Richard tried his hand at driving on the Expressway yesterday.
  • We are looking forward to the purchase and associated bureaucracy concerning a 2001 Mitsubishi Mirage Dingo on Tuesday.
Today we were supposed to pick tangerines but it has rained all day.

Our new ride, purchased 21 January

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