Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Valerie Cranmer Song

Valerie Cranmer. Non-stop glamour.
A little ditty for a colleague. Everything, and I mean everything, always goes her way. Phenomenon depicted below.

I wish I could be more like Valerie Cranmer
The life of a Marine is filled with such glamour
When I am with Valerie, all I do is stammer
I wish I could be more like Valerie Cranmer

One day I had to go on a deployment,
but Valerie got signed up for some enjoyment
"Valerie will you stay aboard the Dok Do?"
Where she was treated like an O-6, I do know.

Oh, I wish I could be more like Valerie Cranmer
The life of a Marine is filled with such glamour
When I am with Valerie, all I do is stammer
I wish I could be more like Valerie Cranmer

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